Potassium is an essential nutrient that regulates heartbeat, supports healthy muscle and nerve function, and aids protein synthesis. Everyone needs some potassium in their diet, and many don't get enough, risking developing a potassium deficiency with symptoms like tiredness and muscle cramps.
However, people with kidney disease may follow a low-potassium diet, as their kidneys can't remove the excess as well as those of healthy people. These diets can be difficult to design and maintain, as followers must know the potassium contents of common foods and ensure they stay within a daily intake set by their doctor.
How well does shrimp fit into the meal plans of those on such a diet?
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Is Shrimp High or Low in Potassium?
Shrimp is low in potassium, so those on a kidney-friendly diet can eat it in moderation.
It's also delicious and highly nutritious, so it's an excellent addition to any healthy diet.
How Much Potassium Is in Shrimp?
A healthy adult needs around 4,700mg of potassium daily, and a 3-ounce serving of cooked shrimp contains 155mg, less than the 200mg per serving threshold for low-potassium foods.
Fried breaded shrimp contains nearly 190mg of potassium in the same-sized serving.
Shrimp contains the least potassium of any seafood and is rich in protein and other nutrients, so it's a great addition to any diet.
Is Shrimp Healthy?
Shrimp is highly nutritious and low in calories, with a 3-ounce serving containing 84. The same serving contains 18 grams of protein and hardly any fat.
It also contains around 48% of the recommended daily intake of selenium, a potent antioxidant that flushes free radicals out of your body, preventing oxidative stress and cellular damage. It may also protect against cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
Shrimp is an excellent source of vitamin B12, which contributes to blood and nerve cell health and is necessary for creating DNA. It also helps prevent anemia.
It also contains a good amount of iodine, which supports thyroid function and brain health.
Can You Get Too Much Potassium from Shrimp?
It would be almost impossible to get too much potassium from eating shrimp. However, it does contain some, so if you're on a low-potassium diet, ensure you stay within the daily limit set by your doctor.
Is it Safe To Eat Shrimp Every Day?
Shrimp is higher in cholesterol than other types of seafood, which can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. However, some studies suggest that foods high in cholesterol may not be as risky as previously thought.
Don't know which foods are high in potassium? Read our article, 15 Best Food Sources of Potassium. We also have a guide to this important mineral: Potassium 101: All You Need To Know About Potassium.