Bacon is popular in many countries and is delicious fried or grilled as a breakfast or on sandwiches.

Followers of a low-potassium diet must know the potassium content of common foods and stay within the daily intake recommended by their doctor. Many vegetables and meats are high in potassium, and your intake can quickly add up.
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Is Bacon High or Low in Potassium?
Bacon is high in potassium, as it contains more than 200mg per serving. Therefore, those on a low-potassium diet should limit their consumption or avoid it altogether.
Bacon is also high in sodium, which increases your risk of stroke and heart attack.
It's highly processed and high in fat, so most people should limit it in their diets, not just those with potassium sensitivity.
How Much Potassium Does Bacon Contain?
100 grams of cooked bacon contains around 557mg of potassium, meaning it can cause pain while urinating and kidney stones in those with kidney problems.
If your recommended daily potassium intake isn't too low, a little bacon occasionally shouldn't do you any harm.
Is Bacon Good for You?
Bacon is highly processed, and consumption of these types of foods, especially meats, has been linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and some cancers.

Bacon is also very high in sodium, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Too much sodium may also lead to ulcers and stomach cancer.
The compounds used to cure bacon have been linked to colon, stomach, lung, and breast cancers.
The sugar in bacon can lead to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.
However, bacon is a good source of niacin, which reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing the good. It also boosts brain function and protects your nervous system from damage.
Fish, beef, chicken, pork, and turkey are all excellent sources of niacin and are less processed than bacon.
Like most other high-protein foods, bacon is high in phosphorus, which supports carbohydrate and fat metabolism and is important for cell and tissue repair.
Phosphorus works with vitamin B, also found in bacon, so it can be absorbed even more efficiently.
Is Turkey Bacon Lower in Potassium Than Traditional Bacon?
A half-cup serving of turkey bacon contains around 162mg of potassium, so it's a better alternative for those on a low-potassium diet.
Turkey bacon is lower in calories and fat and more nutritious than traditional bacon.
Can You Get Too Much Potassium from Bacon?
Bacon is high in potassium, so those who are particularly sensitive to it should ensure they don't exceed their recommended daily intake. However, getting too much from one food source is difficult.

As long as you eat a healthy diet and your recommended daily potassium intake isn't too low, adding a little bacon to your meals occasionally shouldn't do you any harm.
Don't know which foods are high in potassium? Read our article, 15 Best Food Sources of Potassium. We also have a guide to this important mineral: Potassium 101: All You Need To Know About Potassium.