Uncrustables can be a convenient way to put together lunch in a flash, perfectly suited to stash frozen in a lunchbox and be ready to eat after a few hours. But what if you want your Uncrustable now rather than later? If you're wondering how to thaw Uncrustables, you’re not alone.

The best way to thaw Uncrustables is to put them in a bath of room temperature water for a few minutes until they’re soft enough to eat. If you want to learn more about this and other methods, take a look at our complete guide here.
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What are Uncrustables?
Uncrustables are marketed as crustless sandwiches made to be packed frozen into a lunchbox and thawed throughout the day. They come individually packaged and can be stored in the freezer until they’re ready to eat. They come in various popular flavors, including peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, chocolate, and more.
It can be a convenient lunch solution, but only if you’re willing to wait 30 to 60 minutes for it to thaw. If you want one sooner, you’ll have to get creative. However, don’t make the same mistake as countless others and try putting it in the microwave. This will cause the filling to heat and leak through the break, making a mess and ruining your lunch.
Instead, try one of the thawing methods listed below.
Thawing Uncrustables the Right Way
If your hunger just can’t wait, try one of these thawing methods to enjoy your Uncrustable without delay.
With Body Heat
At room temperature, Uncrustables thaw in 30 to 60 minutes, which means we only need a slight increase in temperature to have them ready to eat in 10 to 15 minutes. Often, your body heat can do just the trick. Try putting yours between your hands and gently squeezing, or keep it on your lap with a blanket pulled over.
While it might seem like a strange solution, it works surprisingly well. Plus, you’ll know exactly when your snack is ready as it will be right there in the palm of your hand.

In a Warm Place
If you don’t want to freeze your hands just for a quick snack, there are a few other ways you can thaw your Uncrstable without any extra tools. Look for the warmest place in your house, whether that’s a sunny windowsill, on top of the radiator, near a vent, or near the stove. The ambient heat in these locations can thaw your Uncrastable in a fraction of the time.
While it might not be instant, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can thaw your snack just by choosing the right place.
In Warm Water
While the other two methods can work in a pinch, they’re not always the fastest or most reliable. If you want a faster option, you only need a bowl and some water.
First, make sure your Uncrustable is still sealed completely in its original packaging. If it's already opened, place it inside a resealable plastic bag to make sure it stays dry through the process. Ensure all the excess air is pushed out of the bag.
Once you’re sure your Uncrastable is sealed, fill a large bowl with warm water. You want to avoid using hot water, but anything that doesn’t burn your hand should be just fine. Fill the bowl to the top and push the Ziploc and Uncrustable beneath the surface. You can use this same method with thawing frozen bread.
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