Tuna is low in calories but highly nutritious, containing plenty of protein and healthy fats. It's also versatile in the kitchen and can be found in everything from cold dishes to delicious seared tuna steak.
However, people suffering from acid reflux or GERD often follow a low-acid diet to avoid triggering unpleasant symptoms like heartburn. These people must know the acidity of common foods and how each affects their digestive system so they can design a diet that's less likely to trigger their symptoms.
How well does tuna fit into such a diet?
Both fresh and canned tuna are only slightly acidic, so they're safe for most on a low-acid diet.
Tuna is loaded with nutrients, proteins, and healthy fats, so it's a fantastic addition to any diet.
Don't know what to drink? Check out these articles: 20 Most and Least Acidic Juices and 20+ Alcoholic Drinks Ranked by Acidity Level
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What Is the pH of Tuna?
Fresh, cooked tuna has a pH of around 5.2 to 6.1, while canned is about 5.9 to 6.2.
Is Tuna Bad for Acid Reflux?
As it's only slightly acidic, tuna is safe for most sufferers of acid reflux or GERD.
It also contains healthy fats and fatty acids that benefit your stomach, further protecting you from heartburn.
Is Tuna Healthy?
Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support a healthy heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system. Omega-3 acids are the building blocks of your cells, and they help control energy levels.
The fats and protein in canned and fresh tuna have also been shown to aid weight loss.
Moreover, tuna is low in calories but contains a lot of protein, which helps build lean muscle mass and aids recovery after a workout. It also builds cells and keeps your energy levels high.
Tuna canned in oil is as good for you as that canned in water, but it contains more calories.
Although still healthy, canned tuna is high in sodium, which can increase blood pressure and your risk of heart attack or stroke.
Tuna and other seafood may contain too much mercury, which can negatively impact your health.
Is Canned Tuna Bad for Acid Reflux?
Canned tuna is generally safe for those on a low-acid diet; however, its high sodium content may increase gastric acid production in some, increasing their risk of heartburn.
Moreover, canned tuna with oil slows digestion, leading to heartburn.
Tuna is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and many other nutrients. It's also inexpensive, versatile in the kitchen, and only slightly acidic, so it's an excellent addition to a healthy diet.
Don't know what to drink? Check out these articles: 20 Most and Least Acidic Juices and 20+ Alcoholic Drinks Ranked by Acidity Level