Many people with acid reflux or GERD follow low-acid diets to avoid triggering or worsening symptoms like heartburn. Followers of such diets must know the acidity of common foods and how each affects their symptoms.
If cooking at home with familiar ingredients, limiting your trigger foods is relatively easy. However, it's much more difficult to do when dining out.
Can people with acid reflux safely enjoy sushi occasionally?
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Is Sushi Acidic or Alkaline?
As each roll is made with different ingredients, it's impossible to give an exact pH for sushi as a whole. However, eating it without soy sauce and wasabi is only slightly acidic and safe for most on a low-acid diet.
What Is the pH of Sushi?
The pH of white sushi rice is around 6.35, meaning it's safe for most people on low-acid diets. Other common sushi ingredients, such as smoked salmon, are similar. Vegetarian or vegan sushi is safe for most acid reflux sufferers as well.
However, soy sauce increases acidity, with a pH of 4.9. Adding wasabi has a similar effect and may irritate your stomach and esophagus.
What Are the Health Benefits of Sushi?
Sushi made with fish and seafood is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support a healthy heart, lungs, and immune system. They also protect your cell walls from age-related and free radical damage.
READ MORE: Is Sushi Fattening?
Sushi with fish contains vitamin D, which regulates your calcium and phosphate levels. It also aids digestion and helps keep your bones, teeth, and connective tissues healthy.
Sushi with seaweed contains vitamins A, C, and E, magnesium, iron, and iodine. It's also rich in protein, which builds lean muscle and keeps you feeling full longer after eating.
White sushi rice isn't very nutritious; brown rice is healthier.
Is Sushi Safe To Eat?
Vegan and vegetarian sushi rolls are the safest. Traditional sushi is made with surimi (fish paste), seafood, and fish, and many fish are high in mercury, which can negatively impact your health.
READ MORE: Is Vegan & Vegetarian Sushi Healthy?
Sushi has to be stored at the correct temperature to prevent it from going off. In many buffets and stores, sushi stays on shelves for a long time, increasing the risk of food poisoning.
Another thing to consider when eating raw fish, including sushi, is the possible parasite infection. Some parasites thrive in fish; the best way to get rid of them is by cooking fish before eating.
Is Sushi Bad for Acid Reflux?
As long as you don't add soy sauce or wasabi, sushi is safe for most people with acid reflux when consumed in moderation.
Sushi rice is a good source of fiber, which absorbs excess stomach acid, making heartburn less likely.
Is Vegan Sushi Better for Acid Reflux?
The acidity of vegan sushi is similar to that of traditional, so both are safe for people with acid reflux.
However, sushi is often served with pickled ginger as a palate cleanser, which is very acidic, with a pH of around 4.
Without sauces, sushi is a safe, delicious, nutritious addition to a low-acid, stomach-friendly diet.