Recently, coconut-based products, including coconut water, have become very popular. Coconut water is nutritious, hydrating, and rich in electrolytes that many people don’t get enough of in their day-to-day diets.
This coconut-based beverage also contains potassium, which is an important mineral for your overall health. But how much potassium is in coconut water? Is it safe to drink this beverage if you follow a low-potassium diet?
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Is coconut water high in potassium?
Generally, most coconut water brands contain a lot of potassium. This is because coconuts are naturally rich in this mineral, so the water is high in it as well. Some brands are especially high in potassium, which means that people with potassium sensitivity or kidney issues might want to be careful about how much coconut water they consume.
How much potassium is in coconut water?
Natural coconut water contains around 600 mg of potassium in a one-cup serving. This is a good amount, especially for people looking to up their intake of this mineral.
Coconut water is also rich in other important minerals and vitamins and also low in fat, so it greatly improves hydration.
On the other hand, if you’ve ever been told that you should control how much potassium you take in from your foods, you might want to drink less coconut water, as it’s especially high in this particular mineral.
Is coconut water healthy?
Coconut water is a great source of antioxidants. These compounds help flush out free radicals from your body, preventing oxidative stress and damage to your cells.
Oxidative damage is closely linked to chronic conditions and inflammation, as well as an increased risk of premature death as they accumulate in your body.
So, following a diet rich in foods with antioxidants is incredibly good for you.
If you struggle with diabetes, research shows that drinking coconut water can lower blood sugar levels and improve the symptoms of diabetes.
Coconut water may also aid in reducing blood glucose levels, especially if you’re choosing options without any added sugar.
While coconut water does contain some carbs, it’s primarily loaded with complex carbohydrates that help keep your body healthy and energized.
Other studies also indicate that drinking coconut water may reduce your risk of heart disease. This is because this type of water contains low cholesterol and fat levels, which may increase your risk of several heart conditions.
What’s more, coconut water can also help you if you have high blood pressure due to its potassium content, as well as lower your risk of stroke.
While you would need to consume large quantities of coconut water to get all of these benefits, it’s a good idea to have some from time to time to improve your health.
Can you take in too much potassium from coconut water?
Most coconut water brands are loaded with potassium. This means that it might be a good idea to limit your consumption of this beverage if you suffer from kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, stomach ulcers, and several other medical conditions.
While small amounts of coconut water are nutritious and healthy, overdoing it on this drink can be very unhealthy for individuals with these conditions.
If you still want to include coconut water in your diet, try doing so in small quantities. You can also try diluting it with some water to decrease how much potassium you’re taking in from it.
As a rule, a beverage or food is considered low potassium if a single serving contains less than 200 mg of potassium. So, try to limit your coconut water intake to stay within this range.
Which coconut water contains the most potassium?
Generally, most brands contain similar amounts of potassium. But some might be fortified with minerals and also come in larger serving sizes, so you’re more likely to get more of this important mineral along with other nutrients.
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1. Harmless Harvest Organic Coconut Water
Just one bottle of this brand contains only 90 calories and packs 812 mg of potassium. This is another brand that doesn’t contain any added sugar, so it doesn’t cause spikes in your blood sugar levels.
It can also be a great post-workout drink, especially for people looking for low-fat beverages.
2. ZICO Natural Coconut Water
One bottle of this brand of coconut water contains around 810 mg, which is a great amount. It also contains no added sugar and is made with natural coconuts without any other added artificial ingredients.
It’s also gluten-free, fat-free, and non-GMO, as well as very low in calories.
3. Vita Coco
One container of this coconut water contains around 646 mg of potassium. This brand also has added vitamin C and other essential micronutrients, so it can help hydrate you even more.
If you choose this brand, you’re also getting a drink that’s not too acidic, which means that it’s perfect for people who tend to experience acid reflux symptoms.
4. Real Coco Organic Pure Coconut Water
A single serving of this coconut water contains 410 mg of potassium. This version is best for people who want to control how much sugar they consume from their drinks as this one contains no added sugar.
On the other hand, this brand contains a lot more sodium than other brands, so keep that in mind and don’t drink too much of it too often.
5. Once Upon A Coconut Water
Once Upon A Coconut sells its coconut water in cans, and one usually contains 270 mg of potassium. This brand also contains caffeine, which works as a wonderful source of electrolytes as well as energy.
As a result, drinking it before and after an intense workout can be a great idea for most people.
Coconut water is a very popular electrolyte-rich beverage that can help you stay hydrated and load up on essential minerals and vitamins.
Most coconut water types are rich in potassium due to their high concentration of coconuts, and some even have this mineral added.
As a result, you can get a great dose of potassium from drinking just one serving of coconut water without taking in too many calories.
Don't know which foods are high in potassium? Read our article, 15 Best Food Sources of Potassium. We also have a guide to this important mineral: Potassium 101: All You Need To Know About Potassium.