Nowadays, more people than ever follow an alkaline diet. These diets may benefit everyone, but especially those suffering from acid reflux or GERD.

Such diets can be challenging to design and follow, as you must know the acidity of common foods and remove the most acidic from your meal plans.
Many foods are acidic; sweets and desserts like caramel can be particularly so.
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Is Caramel Acidic or Alkaline?
Like many other sugary foods, caramel is acidic and acid-forming, so it's likely to aggravate your acid reflux when consumed in high amounts.
What Is the pH of Caramel?
Caramel has a pH of between 4.5 and 5.0, but this varies between brands. It's also acid-forming, meaning it stimulates gastric acid production.

Caramel sauce is also acidic but contains more sugar and is likely to increase gastric acid production more than caramel.
However, everyone's symptom triggers are different, and some may be able to tolerate caramel better than others. If it does trigger your symptoms, the vanilla syrup is slightly less acidic and lower in calories.
Is Caramel Good for You?
No, it's not. It's high in calories, most of which come from carbohydrates. A diet high in carbs can lead to weight gain and worsen acid reflux.
Consuming too many sugary foods can lead to type 2 diabetes, stroke, and some cancers.
Most caramel products are highly processed, and eating too many processed foods can lead to stomach cancer, cardiovascular problems, and stroke.
Can You Eat Caramel with Acid Reflux?
Caramel is acidic and acid-forming, so it's likely to aggravate your acid reflux.
Sugary foods can also irritate your esophagus and inflame your digestive system.
Don't know what to drink? Check out these articles: 20 Most and Least Acidic Juices and 20+ Alcoholic Drinks Ranked by Acidity Level
Caramel is also fattening, and some studies show that losing weight can reduce the frequency and severity of acid reflux symptoms.
Caramel is also high in fat, which, like sugar, stimulates gastric acid production.

This does not mean that you can't have any caramel anymore but should limit your consumption if you have GERD or acid reflux. If sugary food triggers your heartburn or other symptoms, it's best to find alternatives that are less acidic.