Choosing foods suitable for a low FODMAP diet can be challenging at times. Most foods contain a certain amount of these indigestible carbs, so eating too many of them can trigger IBS symptoms.

For example, breakfast cereals contain mostly carbohydrates. So, the risk of them being rich in FODMAPs is quite high. Let’s look at the most popular kind – cheerios.
Are cheerios high or low in FODMAPs? Can you eat them on a low FODMAP diet?
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Are Cheerios Low FODMAP?
Cheerios aren’t made with wheat, so they are considered to be low in FODMAPs as long as you stick to a small serving. So, you can include cheerios on a low FODMAP diet if you know your stomach doesn’t react negatively to cereals.
What’s more, cheerios are actually rich in several nutrients, including all B vitamins, fiber, manganese, and iron.

So, if you include this type of cereal in a healthy, balanced diet, you can reap great health benefits.
How low in FODMAPs are cheerios?
In moderate servings, cheerios are a safe addition to a low FODMAP diet. Here, make sure to stick to a ½-cup (14 g) serving size to avoid any unpleasant IBS symptoms.
On the other hand, if you’re not on a too strict low FODMAP diet, you might be able to consume a standard one-cup serving.
But make sure to introduce all high-carb foods to your diet slowly to avoid any issues.
That way, you can also see which foods are a trigger for you, as everyone’s body is different.
While plain cheerios can be a safe addition to a low FODMAP diet, make sure to avoid flavored varieties like chocolate, strawberry, cinnamon, and similar.
These versions are much higher in sugar, which also means they are higher in FODMAPs.
So, it might be best to avoid these varieties on a low FODMAP diet.
Can you eat cheerios on a low FODMAP diet?

Cheerios are a safe food to include on a low FODMAP diet as long as you consume them in moderation.
Safe serving size can be anything from ½-cup to one cup, depending on how sensitive your digestive system is to FODMAPs.
The problem when eating cheerios might be the milk, though. A safe serving of whole and skimmed milk for people on a low FODMAP diet is about 15 ml or one tablespoon.
So, since most people consume more when eating cereal, it’s important to keep that in mind.
Are flavored cheerios low in FODMAPs?
Flavored cheerios might contain slightly higher amounts of FODMAPs. So, if you choose to eat these, you might need to decrease your serving size even more.
On the other hand, not everyone might experience problems related to their IBS after eating flavored cheerios. So, try starting off with a ½-cup serving and go from there.
Luckily, there are some plant-based milk types you can choose that are slightly lower in FODMAPs. So, there are many ways you can include cheerios in your diet.

Are cheerios good for you?
While cereals aren’t often considered healthy, cheerios are actually quite good for you. They’re low in calories and fat and contain plenty of important nutrients.
A one-cup serving of cheerios contains 2.8 g of fiber, which equals around 11% of your daily recommended need for this nutrient.
The fiber found in cheerios helps you feel fuller after eating, balance out your blood sugar levels, and even prevent issues like heartburn.
Many people don’t get enough fiber each day. So, getting some from cereals like cheerios is beneficial.
What’s more, cheerios are a whole grain. They have a low glycemic index (GI), which means that eating them doesn’t cause spikes in your blood sugar levels.
But remember that it’s only true for plain cheerios and not other flavored varieties. These tend to be higher in sugar and lower in fiber. So, they aren’t a great addition to any diet.
In addition, cheerios are an excellent source of various B vitamins, including folate, vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B12.
All of these play important roles in your health, including boosting your immune system, building your tissues, and protecting your nervous system.
So, loading up on these nutrients is incredibly important.
Additionally, cheerios provide you with 47% of your daily need for manganese in a single serving. This mineral helps form connective tissues, bones, blood-clotting factors, and sex hormones in your body.
It’s also crucial for carbs metabolism and calcium absorption. So, it’s important to include manganese-rich foods in your diet.
Another mineral that cheerios provide you with is iron. In fact, a single serving contains 49% of your daily need for this incredibly vital micronutrient.

Iron helps your body form hemoglobin, a protein that helps transport oxygen throughout your body.
Because of that, adequate amounts of iron are linked with a lower risk of anemia and other blood-related issues.
Cheerios also contain a great dose of zinc, which is another mineral many people these days tend to be deficient in.
Zinc is important for your immune system, wound healing, thyroid functions, and blood clotting.
It’s also often included in various skin care products, as it has anti-acne benefits.
Another great benefit of cheerios is that they’re kid-friendly. Since they contain many important nutrients for the development and growth of the human body that kids need, they make for a great addition to a child’s diet.
They can also be safely consumed as a snack without milk if you want to up your intake of various nutrients in an easy way.
Generally, cheerios can be a part of a healthy diet that’s still low in FODMAPs. But it’s still important to monitor portion sizes, as the FODMAP content increases greatly if you consume too much.
In addition, if you choose to eat cheerios, you’ll also reap a lot of health benefits. For example, this type of cereal is high in fiber, B vitamins, and various minerals – all of which contribute to good health.
So, having some cheerios from time to time is actually good for you.
Sources: Nutrition Data and National Library of Medicine