Sweet potatoes are a delicious, starchy root vegetable staple in many cultures.
They're loaded with essential nutrients, plant compounds, vitamins, and minerals.
However, many people follow diets aimed at a specific goal, such as the low-potassium diet for reducing kidney problems. Do sweet potatoes fit well into this particular diet?
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Are Sweet Potatoes High or Low in Potassium?
Sweet potatoes are high in potassium, containing way more than the low-potassium food threshold of 200 mg per serving. Therefore, those following a low-potassium diet should limit their consumption.
Can You Check Your Potassium Level at Home?
How Much Potassium Is in Sweet Potato?
One medium baked sweet potato with skin contains around 541 mg of potassium.
Therefore, those on a low-potassium diet should limit their intake; however, they're an excellent food for those trying to increase their potassium intake.
Peeling them reduces their potassium content, possibly making them suitable for those whose low-potassium diets aren't too strict. It also removes many of the nutrients too, unfortunately.
Are Sweet Potatoes Good for You?
Sweet potatoes contain many carbohydrates, including fiber, which soaks up excess stomach acid, preventing acid reflux.
Fiber also feeds good gut bacteria, keeping your digestive tract healthy, and aids weight loss, as it makes you feel full longer after eating.
Sweet potatoes are loaded with plant compounds and antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which studies suggests may slow the growth of bladder, colon, stomach, and breast cancer tumors.
A serving of mashed sweet potato contains over seven times the recommended daily intake of beta-carotene.
Beta-carotene is metabolized into vitamin A, which helps keep your eyes healthy.
The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in sweet potatoes may also boost your immune system and fight inflammation.
Adding even small amounts of sweet potato to your diet could benefit your health.
Can You Get Too Much Potassium from Sweet Potatoes?
It's best to limit your intake or avoid sweet potatoes if you're on a low-potassium diet, even though they're more nutritious than regular white potatoes.
Are Sweet Potato Chips High in Potassium?
A one-ounce serving of sweet potato chips contains around 259 mg of potassium, so those on a low-potassium diet should consume them only sparingly, if at all.
However, they're more nutritious than potato chips, containing vitamins A, E, B6, and manganese.
Are Sweet Potato Fries High in Potassium?
Just 10 sweet potato fries contain 119 mg of potassium, but most people eat more than that in one sitting. If you're on a low-potassium diet, limit your intake accordingly.
Although they're healthier than regular French fries, they're still high in calories, fat, and sodium.
Are Sweet Potato Leaves High in Potassium?
A one-cup serving of sweet potato leaves contains around 305 mg of potassium.
Sweet potato leaves are delicious and often served as a side dish. They contain magnesium, folate, vitamin K, and riboflavin.
Although delicious and nutritious, sweet potatoes are high in potassium, and those on a low-potassium diet should either limit their intake or avoid them.
Don't know which foods are high in potassium? Read our article, 15 Best Food Sources of Potassium. We also have a guide to this important mineral: Potassium 101: All You Need To Know About Potassium.