For years now, everyone has heard how drinking smoothies can be incredible for weight loss and weight management.
However, the question must be asked: What are the side effects of drinking a smoothie every day? If you have been considering a smoothie diet or simply want to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, you can end your search here. This article will go over the top FAQs and explain the benefits and side effects of daily smoothies.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to replace the advice of your primary physician or healthcare provider. The information in this article has been researched, but it is not intended to be a guidance for your daily diet. If you have questions about your nutritional needs or how a daily smoothie will affect your overall health, please contact a medical professional. This publisher assumes no responsibility over changes in your diet.
Table of Contents
What Would Happen If I Drank A Fruit Smoothie Every Day?
Short Answer: You will see changes in your hormone balance, weight, immune system, and bowel movements.
If you have been wondering about the side effects of drinking a smoothie every day, you are not alone. This question often appears as a suggested search after looking up smoothie recipes online. There are a number of benefits and side effects to drinking smoothies daily. Some are good and others are bad. As with any diet change, everything must remain balanced for your unique nutritional needs.
For more information on how you will be impacted by drinking fruit or green smoothies daily, contact your healthcare provider.
Hormone Balance/Imbalance
Depending on the ingredients in your smoothie, they may impact your hormonal balance or hormonal imbalance. Healthy smoothies made with fresh juice and healthy fats can actually help your hormone balance. Some of the healthiest fats to add to your smoothies include nuts, chia seeds, avocado, and almond butter. These ingredients can both stabilize your blood sugar and improve hormonal balance.
However, unhealthy smoothies can quickly impact your hormones as well. Added artificial sugars and processed ingredients (like chocolate syrups) can have adverse effects. Rather than promoting good health, smoothies from popular chains can be filled with ingredients that negate any of the benefits of the minimal health ingredients.
To ensure your daily smoothie is providing positive impacts to your health, make your smoothie at home. You may even find that you can save money by preparing smoothies with your own juice and ingredients.
Weight Loss/Gain
While smoothies are often referred to as one of the healthiest drinks you can grab on the go, the truth is far from that statement. In fact, many prepared or store bought smoothies are full of unnecessary calories, sugars, and additives. This negative trio can quickly cause you to gain weight despite your good intentions.
However, smoothies that are made at home can actually help you lose weight. When you create your own smoothies, you can control what goes into it. You can add fat burning ingredients that help keep your waist small. Between fresh juice, citrus fruits, antioxidant superfoods, and other natural ingredients, you can see many wonderful benefits from a daily smoothie.
Improved Immunity Boost
Many smoothies have at least one fruit inside of them, and many fruits offer a supercharged boost to your immune system. With high levels of Vitamin C, you can help fight off free radicals and prevent damage to your body’s internal organs. If you drink a smoothie high in Vitamin C every day, you may be able to keep the doctor away!
Even store bought smoothies can offer a boost to your immune system. However, labels should be carefully analyzed to ensure these prepared smoothies are actually healthy. Otherwise, the boost to your immunity will be your only benefit.
Improved Bowel Movements
Improved bowel movements are one of the hidden gems of a daily smoothie diet. Many smoothies are high in fiber and potassium, which can help keep your internal systems regular. Those who suffer from constipation or simply want to feel lighter on their feet can greatly benefit from drinking a smoothie daily.
Some ingredients (like kale and spinach) will provide more fiber and potassium than others. You can simply add powdered fiber to your smoothie, or you can add ingredients that are rich in fiber and potassium. Bananas, kale, and spinach are exceptional choices, and they are typically available throughout the year in most areas of the world.
Should I Make Green Smoothies With Less Fruit And More Greens
Short Answer: Yes, if you are worried about having too much sugar.
If you drink smoothies daily and/or as a meal replacement, you should consider adding green smoothies to your diet. Fruit smoothies are wonderful in moderation. However, the natural fruit sugars can begin to add up over time. If you have been drinking only fruit smoothies for some time and you still can’t seem to curb stubborn belly fat, green smoothies may be the answer to your problems.
Veggies and green smoothies do not have nearly the same amount of sugars as fruits. Better still, veggies like kale, spinach, and bok choy can help keep you more regular. Vegetables have a range of vitamins that may not be found in your favorite fruits. While starting with green smoothies can be difficult, it is not impossible. Start by adding a few hidden vegetables to your fruit smoothies. As you become more comfortable with the taste, remove more fruits and replace them with veggies.
One of our favorite healthy green smoothies (that tastes delicious) can be found below:
- Kale
- Spinach
- Arugula
- Hemp Seeds
- Pineapple Chunks
- Strawberries (cut)
- Orange Juice (or replace with Honey and Lemons)
This green smoothie is packed full of sweet flavor along with a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. You can supercharge your immune system and regular your digestive system all at the same time. If you opt to use honey (especially local honey), you can help your immune system prevent reactions to common allergies.
If I Add Water In My Smoothie, Does It Still Count As Drinking Water?
Short Answer: Yes it does!
Almost every fruit or vegetable you eat contains some form of water. So, every time you add fruits and vegetables to your smoothie, you are ingesting some water. Even if you add juices to your smoothie, these juices still contain water. As such, you are ingesting water.
Now, if you add water on top of your fruits, vegetables, and juices, you are adding even more water to your fruit or green smoothie! It is difficult to say exactly how much water you are ingesting with each fruit or green smoothie, but rest assured you are giving your water the very liquid it needs to survive.
You can always use a fruit and vegetable water calculator if you are curious about how much extra water you are drinking each time you ingest a smoothie. If you aren’t that concerned or not that technical, you can always add cucumbers and watermelon chunks to your green smoothies. This fruit and veggie combo is over 90% water!
Can I Get Diabetes From A Smoothie Diet?
Short Answer: Not in the short term.
Diabetes is a serious condition that can impact the way you ingest nutrition and live your life. By making the best choices for your daily life and speaking with your doctor, you can avoid diabetes. Exercise at least three days a week can also help, as well.
To directly answer the question, there is no way to determine if you can obtain diabetes solely from drinking a smoothie daily. Genetic factors and other lifestyle choices all directly relate to your ability to get diabetes. If you are worried about a smoothie diet causing diabetes, the answer is simple. You just need to make your own smoothies.
Store bought smoothies and smoothie orders from popular chains can be full of unnecessary sugar and additives that are not good for the body. If you make your smoothies at home, you have 100% control of what your smoothie contains.
If you have been advised by your doctor to avoid high amounts of sugar, you can create green smoothies at home that are tasty and nutritious. You can even add in a few fruits to your green smoothie to make it sweeter without having to worry about using artificial sugar.
Final Thoughts On The Side Effects Of Drinking A Smoothie Every Day
Ultimately, drinking a homemade smoothie every day of the week is going to have few adverse side effects. Since you have complete control of what goes into your daily smoothie when you make it at home, you can ensure it is full of healthy, natural ingredients. By using the most natural products, you can ensure there are few (if any) adverse side effects.
If you drink a store bought or prepared smoothie every day, it is possible to see negative side effects. This is because smoothies made outside of your home can be full of a number of ingredients that do not positively impact your body. Unnecessary additives and artificial sugar can create a number of negative health effects if they are consumed every day.
The bottom line is simple: if you want positive side effects from drinking a smoothie every day, make your smoothie at home. Furthermore, you must speak with your healthcare provider before you make changes to your diet. Only you and your doctor will know your medical history, genetic markers, and other factors that can be impacted by drinking a smoothie every day.
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