If you’ve been eyeing a Keurig Mini, you might wonder how it's different from the Mini Plus. There are some key factors that you should consider before making the purchase.
The main differences between the Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus are the water tank removal, cup storage, brewing strength, quality of the machine, cost, and colors. Aside from these differences, the machines are quite similar.
This article will make a side-by-side comparison of the Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus. By the end, you’ll be able to determine which machine you want to purchase for your kitchen.
Table of Contents
What are the Similarities between the Mini and the Mini Plus?
Let’s start by talking about the similar features of the Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus.
1. Brewing Capacity
If you’re familiar with Keurig machines, you know that you can brew different sizes of coffee cups. The limit on the cup size will depend on the Keurig machine you buy.
Both the Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus can brew anywhere from 6 to 12 ounces of coffee.
The amount of liquid brewed will depend on how much water you put into the water tank.
So if you want a small cup, only put 6 ounces in the tank before using it. And you will do the opposite for a larger cup of coffee. Don’t fill either machine with more than 12 ounces of water.
Both machines will give you the flexibility to create a cup of up to 12 ounces, which makes a large cup of coffee.
2. K-Cups
Another key trait of Keurig machines is they use what are called K-cups. These K-Cups come with a measured amount of coffee grounds, hot chocolate, or apple cider powder.
All you have to do is put the water in the tank and place the K-cup in the machine to make your drink.
Both machines will use the same K-Cups. This means you won’t be limited to certain flavors or types of drinks in K-Cups with either machine.
Both machines will also work with reusable K-Cups; so you can put your coffee grounds into a reusable K-Cup to save yourself some money.
3. Size of the Machine
With a name like Mini Plus, you might be thinking the Mini Plus is bigger than the Mini. But the truth is, they have the same size.
Both are relatively slender machines with a width of 4.5 inches, 12.1 inches tall, and 11.3 inches deep.
When the lid is open, it will be about 16.8 inches tall. So make sure you have at least that amount of space between your countertop and cabinets when choosing a spot for it.
The Mini and the Mini Plus are the smallest machines available in the Keurig line. Both may be a good choice if you’re looking for a Keurig machine that won’t take up much space in your kitchen.
4. Single Serve Machines
The Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus are called single-serve coffee machines.
This means they are designed to only brew one cup of coffee at a time. This feature is generally why many people gravitate toward Keurig machines in general.
The convenience of brewing one single cup is great for home or the office. Gone are the days of coffee burning in the pot or being thrown out.
The other advantage of the single-serve machine is the K-Cups—which are pre-made with measured amounts of ground coffee. This means you can make a relatively consistent single cup of coffee each time.
If you like to keep the process of brewing your coffee simple, the Keurig Mini or Mini Plus will do the trick.
What are the Differences Between Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus?
Now that we know the key similarities, let’s highlight some differences that set these Keurig machines apart.
1. Water Tank Removal
One major feature that separates the two machines is the ability to remove the water tank.
In the Keurig Mini, you will not be able to remove the water tank. This can become bothersome in relation to cleaning the tank.
On the other hand, the Keurig Mini Plus does allow you to fully remove the water tank. You won’t have to awkwardly maneuver the machine to clean the tank if it gets dirty.
The removable tank is also more convenient for simply placing under the faucet to fill up to your desired amount before brewing.
2. K-Cup Storage
Another feature you should consider regarding these two machines is the K-Cup storage.
Only the Keurig Mini Plus will have K-Cup storage built into the machine itself. It will store up to 9 K-Cups at a time and is easy to slide in and out.
While this may seem like a small difference, it can be a game changer if your kitchen has a small space.
Having the K-Cup storage built into the machine will free up counter space and reduce the overall clutter in your kitchen.
3. Brewing Strength
One of the most important differences between these machines is the brewing strength option.
On the Keurig Mini Plus, you will see a button on top that says “strong.” This button will create a stronger brew of coffee.
It creates a stronger brew of coffee by reducing the flow rate of the hot water through the grounds.
On the Keurig Mini, the hot water will flow through the grounds at a standard preset rate no matter what.
If you are particular about the strength of your coffee, this feature makes the Mini Plus a better option for you.
4. Quality of Machine
Whenever you’re spending money on a coffee machine, you want to know about the quality of the machine.
Both machines are primarily made out of plastic. However, a few finishing touches on the Mini Plus may make it last longer.
For example, the Mini Plus has a chrome coating surrounding the drip tray, making it less prone to damage. The drip tray on the mini is only made of plastic.
Also, because the water tank is removable on the Mini Plus, it’s easier to keep it clean and prevent mold growth long term.
In both cases, most people report Keurig machines will last somewhere between 3 to 5 years. But spending a few extra bucks for an improved quality of machine may be worth it.
5. Cost
If you buy one of these machines, you’ll want to know the difference in cost because it’s always important to get the best bang for your buck.
There isn’t a huge difference between the two. But as you might assume based on the features, the Mini Plus will be slightly more expensive.
On average, a Keurig Mini is about $69.99 at this time. You can find a Keurig Mini Plus for about $89.99 right now.
The two machines consistently have about a $20 to $25 difference in price. Many would argue that the strong brew feature on the Mini Plus is worth those extra dollars.
6. Colors
If you are big on kitchen aesthetics, you may want to know about the color differences.
Both the Mini and the Mini Plus will have six color options. However, the tone of the colors between the two machines will differ.
The Mini colors are more vibrant, while the Mini Plus colors are more muted.
The Mini is the only option you can get in the popular pink color. And the Mini Plus is the only option where you can get the teal color.
While color differences aren’t the most important thing to consider, they can affect the aesthetics of your kitchen.
Final Thoughts
While there are many similarities between the Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus, there are also some key differences worth considering.
Both the Mini and the Mini Plus will brew a 6 to 12-ounce single-serve cup of coffee. The machines are also the same size and will use all variations of the K-Cups.
Some key differences between the two include the following: water tank removal, K-Cup storage, the strength of the brewed coffee, quality of the machine, cost, and color.
Many will argue that the Keurig Mini Plus is the better of the two machines due to its quality and the ability to change the strength of the coffee. And with only a $20 to $25 difference in price, it’s probably worth it.
At the end of the day, both the Keurig Mini and the Mini Plus are good single-serve coffee machines. Consider all the differences, then make the best decision for you and your coffee needs.
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