Many people suffering from acid reflux and GERD follow a low-acid diet to avoid triggering or worsening their symptoms. The primary symptom of both, heartburn, is extremely unpleasant and can be debilitating for some. Low-acid diets can be challenging to design and maintain, as followers must know the acidity of common foods and how each affects their symptoms.
Many foods are acidic, and that includes dairy products. But does this mean they'll definitely trigger heartburn?
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Is Greek Yogurt Acidic or Alkaline?
Like other yogurts, Greek yogurt is acidic. However, it's also alkaline-forming, meaning it will help neutralize your stomach acids. Moreover, Greek yogurt contains very low fat, which means it does not relax the lower esophageal sphincter as much as other types of yogurt.
It's safe for most acid reflux sufferers and GERD and is a healthy, nutritious addition to any balanced diet.
What Is the pH of Greek Yogurt?
Greek yogurt has a pH of around 4.21-4.48 but is alkaline-forming, meaning it won't trigger or worsen acid reflux symptoms. Yogurt may actually relieve your symptoms.
Many acidic foods are alkaline-forming and vice versa.
Don't know what to drink? Check out these articles: 20 Most and Least Acidic Juices and 20+ Alcoholic Drinks Ranked by Acidity Level
Is Greek Yogurt Healthy?
Greek yogurt is loaded with nutrients, with a serving containing 12 to 17 grams of protein. Protein builds lean muscle mass and keeps you feeling full longer after eating.
Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics that feed your good gut bacteria. These bacteria help with digestion and protect your stomach from damage and inflammation.
It's also a good source of calcium, which keeps your teeth and bones healthy and aids the immune system.
A serving of Greek yogurt contains around 25% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B12, which is essential for red blood cell formation, brain health, and DNA synthesis.
Greek yogurt is richer in protein and contains less sugar than regular yogurt, making it easier on the stomach and less likely to trigger acid reflux symptoms. Sugar digests slowly, meaning it's likely to stimulate gastric acid production.
Is Greek Yogurt Good for Acid Reflux?
Greek yogurt, especially the nonfat variety, is better for acid reflux as it contains way lesser fat than regular plain yogurt. Fat relaxes the esophageal sphincter, causing the acid from the stomach to go up, causing heartburn.
Most people on a low-acid diet should be able to eat Greek yogurt without worrying about triggering their symptoms. However, everyone's symptom triggers are different; some may be more sensitive to them than others.
Is Regular Yogurt Better for Acid Reflux Than Greek?
Regular yogurt is as acidic as Greek and is also alkaline-forming. Therefore, both varieties are safe for most people with acid reflux or GERD.
However, Greek contains less sugar and fat than regular yogurt, which may slow digestion and increase gastric acid production in some.
Greek yogurt is also higher in calcium and magnesium, which benefit bone health and the immune system.
Although Greek yogurt is acidic, it's alkaline-forming, and most followers of a low-acid diet can safely add this nutritious dairy product to their meal plans.
Don't know what to drink? Check out these articles: 20 Most and Least Acidic Juices and 20+ Alcoholic Drinks Ranked by Acidity Level