If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, you may be following a low-acid diet to avoid triggering unpleasant symptoms like heartburn. These diets can be challenging to design and maintain, as many common foods are acidic, and everyone's symptom triggers are different.
Cinnamon is in nearly everyone's spice rack, and no wonder, as it adds a delicious warmth to hot dishes and drinks.
Can those on a low-acid diet add this spice to their meals?
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Does Cinnamon Cause Heartburn?
Cinnamon is among the most alkaline spices, so adding a little to your diet shouldn't trigger heartburn. However, too much may aggravate your acid reflux or GERD.
Is Cinnamon Acidic?
Most store-bought cinnamon is alkaline, so adding a little to your diet shouldn't aggravate your heartburn.
There’s no evidence that cinnamon is an acid reflux trigger, but everyone is different so it may cause problems for some.
Is Cinnamon Good for You?
Cinnamon contains antioxidants, which flush free radicals from your body. This prevents oxidative stress and cellular damage, reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Cinnamon is often called a superfood and is natural food preservative.
Besides polyphenols and other antioxidants, cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory compounds, which may help prevent some cancers.
Some studies show that cinnamon contains compounds that lower fasting glucose, bad cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Compounds in cinnamon improve insulin sensitivity and lower your blood sugar levels, helping prevent blood sugar spikes and type 2 diabetes.
Some research suggests that two compounds in cinnamon prevent protein building up in your brain, lowering your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
How Does Cinnamon Cause Heartburn?
No research suggests that cinnamon causes heartburn, but it might when added to foods high in fat and sugar, like bagels or donuts.
Can Cinnamon Help Heartburn?
There are no current studies that support cinnamon's effect in alleviating heartburn. However, you can use cinnamon as a replacement for sugar or nutmeg, which are acidic and acid-forming and likely to worsen your symptoms.
Some people believe water infused with cinnamon, ginger, and apple cider vinegar cures heartburn, but there's no evidence this works.